Childbirth Interviews

Childbirth Interviews

Amber L.
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Childbirth Interview : Amber L.


Who are you?

My mum named me Amber. I’m a curly haired Leo girl that loves nature adventures and living life to the fullest. I’m a mama to Valentine and wife to Cary and I am on a mission to contribute positively to this current wave of consciousness that is lighting up the globe.

What do you do in life?

Co-creator and host of The Mother Loving Future podcast, Holistic Health Coach, model and mama.

How old are you?


In which city do you live?

L.A, California.

Give us an essential info to know about you?

I cannot watch scary movies. The way to my heart is nature and humor. I love to sleep in. The ocean is my obsession.

How many kids do you have?

One. Valentine.

Are you rather a living encyclopedia of childbirth or do you live in total ignorance and rely on your instinct?

My intuition is my guiding compass through life. Every woman/human is different so every birth experience will be different. I try to not place any expectations on things and rather be open to infinite possibilities!

Childbirth with or without epidurals? Why?

Without. I had a non-medicated, natural water birth at my bungalow home in Venice California.

Your level of stress / fear compared to childbirth between 1 and 10?

Leading up to birth? 0 (ignorance is bliss in this case).

During active labor, I wouldn’t say I was stressed but I was feeling a huge amount of intense sensations...  On the pain scale, 11/10 (my son had a large head!)

What have you ever been told about giving birth, and what would you have liked to know?

How stressful birth can be on the physical/emotional bodies. Postpartum stress is real and I think we need to talk more about how to INTEGRATE such a huge transition that affects all elements of our lives as women.

Nursing is also a topic I wish I was more prepared for!

What did you find the hardest? Pregnancy, childbirth?

Birth, for sure.

How did you prepare for your delivery?

Yoga, diet, meditation, staying calm and relaxed. I spoke to the baby a lot and visualized the birth I wanted. Epi-no helps with avoiding tearing during birth. Essential oils helped with stretch marks! Emotional healing clears any emotional blockages to avoid passing these negative energetic imprints to my baby. Physical Cleansing before I conceived detoxed my body and moved my system toward balance (our babies are created from our genetics, may as well give them the healthiest ones I have!)

What was your strategy for D-Day delivery?

Use the breath to open and calm my body. Trust my body and the baby’s wisdom to birth. Keep any stressors out of the room during the birth (certain people/music/scents etc.) Go inward and listen to what my body is asking for.

An amusing story or not during your delivery?

My son was due on my Birthday but I asked him to come a day early so I could enjoy my own Birthday for the rest of my life and he did!

And if you had to do it again?

I would as I know every birth and child is different and could there ever be a better adventure in life?

A tip for our readers?

See birth as your greatest opportunity to birth a version of your higher self. Motherhood is a calling to heal the parts of you that are broken and to make a positive impact on our world. YOU are raising the next generation that can fight for a better future for all! Check out my podcast The Mother Loving Future and follow us on Instagram @TheMotherLovingFuture.




Deux très beaux témoignages ! Merci pour ce partage qui donne envie d’en faire un 3e ahah

Deux très beaux témoignages ! Merci pour ce partage qui donne envie d’en faire un 3e ahah



Merci pour ces témoignages d’accouchement naturel. C’est ce que je souhaite aussi et c’est encourageant de lire ces femmes qui ont eu le courage de s’opposer à leurs Gyneco/anesthésiste (il en faut du courage pour résister aux dictats!).
Je crois encore plus à mon envie d’un accouchement « doux » sans médicalisation quand je lis leurs retours d’experience. MERCI car ces témoignages donnent du courage pour les futurs mamans! :-)

Merci pour ces témoignages d’accouchement naturel. C’est ce que je souhaite aussi et c’est encourageant de lire ces femmes qui ont eu le courage de s’opposer à leurs Gyneco/anesthésiste (il en faut du courage pour résister aux dictats!).
Je crois encore plus à mon envie d’un accouchement « doux » sans médicalisation quand je lis leurs retours d’experience. MERCI car ces témoignages donnent du courage pour les futurs mamans! :-)

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